Not longer than 10 years ago, HGV drivers didn’t enjoy flexibility in their work. Today, however, this profession considers flexible working an absolute must.
There’s No 9-5 Work Schedule
All HGV drivers would agree that working 9-5 in such a job would be impossible. Your hours may be variable with the season, the day of the week, or the weather conditions. Your days will look different most of the time. Instead of having to show up to work at the same time each and every morning of your active life, you’ll have all your routes carefully planned in advance. You’ll drive to different places, with different types of freight, and maybe using different types of vehicles.
Your working schedule may include a delivery to someone in London by Monday, several deliveries to customers in Manchester the Tuesday, and even a long-haul delivery in one of the countries in Europe by the end of the week. Depending on your employer, you may be able to choose your working days and your travelling distances.
What About Time Off?
As stated above, being a HGV driver offers you a certain level of freedom to choose your working hours and your working says to suit your needs and your specific requirements. This includes a certain control over your time off. Most HGV drivers are able to take their time off when they need it, rather than having to follow a struct schedule provided by their employer.
This means that you can take some days off to stay home with your children, should you need it. In exchange, you’ll arrange your working schedule to compensate for this time and still deliver the stuff your employer expects you to. This kind of flexibility can save you from difficult situations, so it can make all the difference.
Control Over Your Working Environment
Most jobs limit your control over the working environment. You have to put up with people you can’t stand, and accept tasks you really hate, to give you only two examples of situations when you can’t have your say in regard to your work environment. As a HGV driver, you can decorate your cab and your sleeping space as you wish, and you can play whatever music you like during driving.
Besides, you can set the sound volume as you like, as there won’t be anyone around you in need for silence. Also, you can have a snack just when you need it, without having to worry that the others would steal your sandwiches or give you the odd looks because you eat instead of working.
Most office workers complain about not having flexibility in their workspace, and that takes a toll on their overall health and well-being. A HGV driver can have all the flexibility in the world, provided that they don’t make structural changes to their vehicle.
Job Security
Today, HGV drivers are in high demand, at least in the UK. One of the reasons for this demand is the pandemic that has boosted the delivery industry. At the same time, there’s a shortage of drivers going on for a while now. This means that HGV and LGV drivers in the UK have plenty of job opportunities right now. You can choose your employer, the type of vehicle you want to drive, and the working schedule. This makes the job of a HGV driver one of the most enticing and the most rewarding on the labour market. There is also the security of CPC training which enables you to be trained every five years so you are also always up to date with your licences,